Achieving the Right Balance of Body Fat for Longevity

Achieving an “optimal” figure is a common goal for both aesthetic and health purposes. People often hone in on burning body fat for a toned, lean physique. But, many don’t realize that maintaining a healthy balance of body fat could significantly impact their longevity. 

Body Fat’s Role in the Body

Body fat (also known as adipose tissue) isn’t the enemy of health. In fact, it plays many important roles within the body, including the storage and release of energy, cushioning for essential organs, and insulation. It also contains blood vessels and nerve cells, helping to deliver important hormone signals throughout the body. 

The Risks of Excessive or Insufficient Body Fat

Having either excessive or insufficient body fat can pose certain health risks. Insufficient body fat can trigger poor bone health, hormonal disruptions (like low testosterone or irregular menstruation), and low immunity. Having excessive body fat, on the other hand, can lead to chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and an increased risk of chronic diseases like:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Certain cancers
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol 

What is the Optimal Balance of Body Fat?

In general, the recommended body fat range is 8% to 15% for men and 15% to 25% for women. This range can vary significantly from person to person, and your physician can help determine the best amount for you. 

Tips for Balancing Body Fat

  • Eat a balanced diet with lean protein, healthy fats, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods and added sugars. 
  • Work on managing stress, as chronic stress is associated with weight gain.
  • Exercise regularly, including a combination of cardiovascular and strength exercises. 
  • Consider IV therapy, which can deliver the nutrients your metabolism needs to continue burning fat in older age.

Contact The IV-Suite to learn more about IV therapy for greater health and longevity.